Software Companies/Development Teams
If your company is looking to do any of the following we can help:
- Develop software strategies from Boxed Software to Software as a Service and Cloud Computing
- Public/Private Cloud and Virtualization projects, migrations and strategy
- Disaster Recovery with Cloud Services
- SaaS Software Architecture
- *aaS Strategy and Consulting
- Development and Operations Methodologies and techniques to move towards the "DevOps" culture
- Cloud Computing cost modeling and analysis
- Cloud Vendor selection
- Cloud Security
IT Groups
It companies are looking to leverage cloud services to reduce costs, through the use of Software as a Service, public/private clouds and virtualization technologies. We can help with the following:
- Public/Private Cloud and Virtualization projects, migrations and strategy
- Disaster Recovery & Compliance with cloud services
- IT Cost modeling and analysis
- Vendor selection and negotiations
- Evaluate IT systems and identify migration strategies and vendor selections for cloud services
- Perform security reviews and audits of 3rd party vendors
- Help with SaaS Vendor governance and accountability